#121L: Dispenses a foamy soap that creates a 30-35% savings compared to the standard 800 ml bag-in-a-box. One push on the #116D Dispenser uses 0.7 ml of soap. By comparison, one push on the average 800 ml bag in a box uses 1.2 ml of soap. The voluminous nature of foam intrinsically eliminates repeated squirts. Because of less soap used per hand washing; the cartridges last twice as long, saving expensive refilling time. AeroBlue creates less waste. It flows completely out of it’s cartridge, while bag in a box systems leave on the average of 70 ml still in the bag when a soap stops flowing. Liquid soaps penetrate skin pores and need more rinsing to be removed. Because it is a foam; AeroBlue washes off easier, faster and there is a reduced occurrence of skin irritation and drying out of hands compared to liquid soaps. People seem to just like foam better.